Physical SCNX Credit Giftcard

4,00 31,00 

+ Shipping, calculated at checkout

Gift card with a code to receive SCNX Credits.



A physical gift card shipped to your address. Printed on silky soft “Soft-Touch” paper, the gift card is not only special in its looks, but also feels special in handling.

On the backside, a code is printed that can be redeemed on to receive the specified amount of SCNX Credits.

You’ll also receive the key that will be printed on the backside of your gift card digitally when we ship your git card. The key can only be redeemed once, so please do not immediately redeem the key if you want to gift your giftcard to someone (:

Once your key has been redeemed, we won’t be able to refund the price of the credits redeemed.

The card itself has the size 85 x 55 mm and has rounded corners.

Rendered preview of the gift card:

This video is rendered. The final product shipped to you will look different.